mardi 12 novembre 2013

Genetic Engineering Technology and Electronic Signature or e-sig

In a number of concepts age is considered as summation of disparate phenomena of growth, somatic, sexual and neuro-psychological maturation, adulthood and aging, converging with many complex phenomena obschestvenno economic and human development in specific circumstances. Age characteristic of human development reflects a specific system requirements for human society at a particular stage of his life and the essence of his relations with others, his social position. An essential in shaping personality becomes synergies between the motives and desires of the child; of them stand out more and less significant, due to which the transition from impulsive behavior, situational to behavior, mediated by some kind of rules or patterns. In psychology, taken on different principles of construction of the concept of periodization of age. Typical tumors are "feeling of adulthood, the development of self-consciousness and self-interest to themselves as individuals, to their abilities and capacities. Crucial arising adolescent sense of belonging to a special teenage community, values, means are the basis for their own moral evaluations. At the age of infancy are three stages: 1) neonatal (first month of life) - when a child is prepared for emotional contact with adults; 2) the first six months of life - during whose activity is leading situational personal communication with older (half of the first stage); 3) the second topless of life - when the lead becomes a work of subject-manipulative - "half of the second stage). AGES PRESCHOOL - stage of development of mental from 3 to 6-7 years. The uneven pace of development of these parties leads to frequent differences in the degree of physical, psychological or social maturity of the individual, causing the phenomenon of acceleration, psychophysical and personal infantilism, mental retardation, etc. In the absence of conditions for individuation and positive implementation of its new features self-affirmation of a teenager can Alert, awake and oriented ugly forms, lead to adverse reactions (deviant behavior). Go to the next stage of age occurs in the form of crisis age. Is very important for the formation of the child. The transition from one age stage to another involves a profound transformation of all these components age and may be accompanied by more or less severe conflicts and contradictions (crisis of age). The defining feature of communication teenagers - it distinct personal character. AGE OF INFANT - during a child's life between his birth and the achievement of one year of age. At Tumor-Nodes-Metastases early stage following events occur for individual development: 1) is formed by walking, locomotion, fine motor skills, thereby significantly increasing scope of knowledge of the outside world; 2) develop communication situational business topless adults and communicate with peers; 3) formed by cognitive processes; 4) is the mastery of speech, active and topless 5) become more topless affective and volitional consciousness is formed. During this period an individual has an increased excitability, impulsiveness, koi superimposed on sexual desire, often unconscious. The first attempt to analyze the system belongs to the topless category of psychological Vygotsky. Need for an interdisciplinary approach to research age-mental stresses of modern domestic and foreign psychology. The chronological ages of psychological boundaries vary greatly depending on the sociocultural, economic and other factors. Completion of infancy is associated with the crisis of the first year, indicate the formation of the child (crisis of age). Teen Age (Adolescence) - The period Acute Otitis Media ontogenesis (from 10-11 to 15 years), respectively, the transition from childhood to adolescence.

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